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Grünes Glück

spider plant (Cholorpyhtum)

spider plant (Cholorpyhtum)

Package size - how many pots can there be?
Spider plants store water in their leaves and are therefore juicier than cat grass. However, the plant has similar ingredients. It also cleans the air in your room.

Particularly suitable for cats, rodents and birds.

Benefits for your house cat:
  • Reduces the risk of intestinal obstruction and constipation
  • Helps the cat vomit animal hair
  • Contains many vitamins and minerals
plant size
  • height 15-20cm
  • pot diameter 12cm
Care instructions : The spider plant prefers bright locations. A temperature of 10 °C - 25 °C is ideal. The soil should be kept moist, but not wet. It is best to water the plant only every two weeks so that the roots do not dry out.

Delivery note: We only ship from Monday to Thursday, as these are live plants.

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