Grünes Glück
Catnip (nepeta faassenii)
Catnip (nepeta faassenii)
The special thing about catnip is its essential oils. These are stimulating for your cat and can both awaken the urge to play and provide relaxation. The plant also smells pleasant to us humans.
Particularly suitable for adult cats.
Benefits for your house cat:
- Appears relaxed.
- Can awaken the instinct to play.
- Suitable for BARF.
plant size
- height 20-30cm
- pot diameter 12cm
Care instructions : Catnip is fairly undemanding. It prefers bright locations and can also be placed in direct sunlight. A temperature of 18 °C - 25 °C is ideal. Keep the root ball moist, but avoid waterlogging.
Delivery note: We only ship from Monday to Thursday, as these are live plants.